#!/usr/bin/perl -Tw # # LMS version 1.4.0rc4 Evalla # # (C) 2001-2004 LMS Developers # # Please, see the doc/AUTHORS for more information about authors! # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2 as # published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, # USA. # # $Id: lms-fping,v 2004/09/18 19:14:46 alec Exp $ use strict; use DBI; use Config::IniFiles; use Getopt::Long; use vars qw($configfile $quiet $help $version); $ENV{'PATH'}='/sbin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/sbin:/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin'; my $_version = '1.4.0rc4 Evalla'; my %options = ( "--config-file|C=s" => \$configfile, "--quiet|q" => \$quiet, "--help|h" => \$help, "--version|v" => \$version ); Getopt::Long::config("no_ignore_case"); GetOptions(%options); my @adresyip; sub u32todotquad($) { my $p = shift @_; return sprintf "%d.%d.%d.%d", ($p>>24)&0xff,($p>>16)&0xff, ($p>>8)&0xff,$p&0xff; } sub dotquad2u32($) { my $dq = shift||''; my @dq = split('\.',$dq,4); return ((($dq[0] << 8) + $dq[1] << 8) + $dq[2] << 8) + $dq[3]; } sub mask2prefix($) { my $mask = shift @_; my @tmp = split('\.',$mask,4); my $q = sprintf("%b%b%b%b",$tmp[0],$tmp[1],$tmp[2],$tmp[3]); $q =~ s/0*$//; if ($q =~ /0/) { print " You idiot. error in mask\n"; } my $len = length($q) ; return $len; } if($help) { print STDERR < $configfile; print @Config::IniFiles::errors; my $networks_list = $ini->val('fping','networks') || ''; my $fping = $ini->val('fping','fping_binary') || '/usr/sbin/fping'; my $tmpfile = $ini->val('fping','temp_file') || '/tmp/fping_hosts'; my $dbtype = $ini->val('database', 'type') || 'mysql'; my $dbhost = $ini->val('database', 'host') || 'localhost'; my $dbuser = $ini->val('database', 'user') || 'root'; my $dbpasswd = $ini->val('database', 'password') || ''; my $dbname = $ini->val('database', 'database') || 'lms'; my $dbase; my $utsfmt; if($dbtype eq "mysql") { $dbase = DBI->connect("DBI:mysql:database=$dbname;host=$dbhost","$dbuser","$dbpasswd", { RaiseError => 1 }); $utsfmt = "UNIX_TIMESTAMP()"; } elsif($dbtype eq "postgres") { $dbase = DBI->connect("DBI:Pg:dbname=$dbname;host=$dbhost","$dbuser","$dbpasswd", { RaiseError => 1 }); $utsfmt = "EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(0))"; } elsif($dbtype eq "sqlite") { $dbase = DBI->connect("DBI:SQLite:dbname=$dbname;host=$dbhost","$dbuser","$dbpasswd", { RaiseError => 1 }); $utsfmt = "strftime('%s','now')"; $dbase->func('inet_ntoa',1,'u32todotquad','create_function'); $dbase->func('inet_aton',1,'dotquad2u32','create_function'); } else { print STDERR "Fatal error: unsupported database type: $dbtype, exiting.\n"; exit 1; } if(!$networks_list) { my $dbq = $dbase->prepare("SELECT name FROM networks"); $dbq->execute(); while (my $row = $dbq->fetchrow_hashref()) { $networks_list = "$networks_list $row->{'name'}"; } } my @networks = split ' ', $networks_list; # create temporary file with list of hosts foreach my $network (@networks) { my $dbq = $dbase->prepare("SELECT name, INET_NTOA(address) AS address, mask FROM networks WHERE UPPER(name) = UPPER('$network')"); $dbq->execute(); if(my $row = $dbq->fetchrow_hashref()) { my $netsize = 2**(32 - mask2prefix($row->{'mask'})); my $ndbq = $dbase->prepare("SELECT INET_NTOA(ipaddr) AS ipaddr FROM nodes WHERE ipaddr>INET_ATON('$row->{'address'}') AND ipaddr{'address'}')+$netsize"); $ndbq->execute(); while(my $nodrow = $ndbq->fetchrow_hashref()) { push(@adresyip, "$nodrow->{'ipaddr'}"); } } } my @lines; foreach my $adres (@adresyip) { system "/usr/sbin/arping -i eth1 $adres -c1 -q -d"; if ( "$?" == "0" ) { push(@lines, "$adres"); } } foreach my $line (@lines) { $line =~ s/^\s+//; $line =~ s/\s+$//; my $idbq = $dbase->prepare("UPDATE nodes SET lastonline=$utsfmt WHERE ipaddr=INET_ATON('$line')"); $idbq->execute(); if(!$quiet) { print "$line\n"; } } $dbase->disconnect(); system("rm $tmpfile");