
Nie wiem jak to przyszlo ale po ktorejs z kolejnych aktualizacji
zostala mi w bazie tabela customermailsview, byc moze wlasnie
przy aktualizacji do 1.11.17.
Przez to nie przechodzi do konca pelny mysqldump bazy,
nie idzie nawet wyswietlic jej zawartosci.
I teraz spogladajac na schemat czystej bazy do wersji 1.11.17
nie widze tam wogole tej tabeli.
Czy w zwiazku z tym moge ja poprostu usunac z bazy? Nie wiem
co tam siedzi i czy napewno jest niepotrzebna wiec prosze o
porade zebym sobie nie strzelil w kolano :)

mysql>SELECT * FROM customermailsview;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'mysql> select * from customermailsview' at line 1
mysql>REPAIR TABLE customermailsview;
| Table                 | Op     | Msg_type | Msg_text                                  |
| lms.customermailsview | repair | Error    | 'lms.customermailsview' is not BASE TABLE |
| lms.customermailsview | repair | error    | Corrupt                                   |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

| Tables_in_lms         |
| aliasassignments      |
| aliases               |
| assignments           |
| cash                  |
| cashimport            |
| cashreglog            |
| cashregs              |
| cashrights            |
| cashsources           |
| contractorview        |
| countries             |
| customerassignments   |
| customercontacts      |
| customergroups        |
| customermailsview     |
| customers             |
| customersview         |
| daemonconfig          |
| daemoninstances       |
| dbinfo                |
| debitnotecontents     |
| divisions             |
| docrights             |
| documentcontents      |
| documents             |
| domains               |
| eventassignments      |
| events                |
| ewx_channels          |
| ewx_pt_config         |
| ewx_stm_channels      |
| ewx_stm_nodes         |
| excludedgroups        |
| hosts                 |
| imessengers           |
| invoicecontents       |
| invprojects           |
| liabilities           |
| location_boroughs     |
| location_cities       |
| location_districts    |
| location_states       |
| location_street_types |
| location_streets      |
| logmessagedata        |
| logmessagekeys        |
| logmessages           |
| logtransactions       |
| macs                  |
| managementurls        |
| messageitems          |
| messages              |
| nas                   |
| nastypes              |
| netdevicemodels       |
| netdeviceproducers    |
| netdevices            |
| netlinks              |
| netnodes              |
| netradiosectors       |
| networks              |
| nodeassignments       |
| nodegroupassignments  |
| nodegroups            |
| nodelocks             |
| nodes                 |
| nodesessions          |
| numberplanassignments |
| numberplans           |
| passwd                |
| payments              |
| pna                   |
| promotionassignments  |
| promotions            |
| promotionschemas      |
| radreply              |
| receiptcontents       |
| records               |
| rtattachments         |
| rtcategories          |
| rtcategoryusers       |
| rtmessages            |
| rtnotes               |
| rtqueues              |
| rtrights              |
| rtticketcategories    |
| rttickets             |
| sessions              |
| sourcefiles           |
| states                |
| stats                 |
| supermasters          |
| tariffs               |
| taxes                 |
| templates             |
| teryt_simc            |
| teryt_terc            |
| teryt_ulic            |
| uiconfig              |
| up_customers          |
| up_help               |
| up_info_changes       |
| up_rights             |
| up_rights_assignments |
| users                 |
| vmacs                 |
| vnodes                |
| vnodes_mac            |
| voipaccounts          |
| zipcodes              |
110 rows in set (0.00 sec)


Ponadto mysqlcheck przechodzi przez baze lms bez problemu ale nie wyswietla
wogole tej tabeli:

# mysqlcheck -c lms -u root -p
Enter password:
lms.aliasassignments                               OK
lms.aliases                                        OK
lms.assignments                                    OK
lms.cash                                           OK
lms.cashimport                                     OK
lms.cashreglog                                     OK
lms.cashregs                                       OK
lms.cashrights                                     OK
lms.cashsources                                    OK
lms.countries                                      OK
lms.customerassignments                            OK
lms.customercontacts                               OK
lms.customergroups                                 OK
lms.customers                                      OK
lms.daemonconfig                                   OK
lms.daemoninstances                                OK
lms.dbinfo                                         OK
lms.debitnotecontents                              OK
lms.divisions                                      OK
lms.docrights                                      OK
lms.documentcontents                               OK
lms.documents                                      OK
lms.domains                                        OK
lms.eventassignments                               OK
lms.events                                         OK
lms.ewx_channels                                   OK
lms.ewx_pt_config                                  OK
lms.ewx_stm_channels                               OK
lms.ewx_stm_nodes                                  OK
lms.excludedgroups                                 OK
lms.hosts                                          OK
lms.imessengers                                    OK
lms.invoicecontents                                OK
lms.invprojects                                    OK
lms.liabilities                                    OK
lms.location_boroughs                              OK
lms.location_cities                                OK
lms.location_districts                             OK
lms.location_states                                OK
lms.location_street_types                          OK
lms.location_streets                               OK
lms.logmessagedata                                 OK
lms.logmessagekeys                                 OK
lms.logmessages                                    OK
lms.logtransactions                                OK
lms.macs                                           OK
lms.managementurls                                 OK
lms.messageitems                                   OK
lms.messages                                       OK
lms.nastypes                                       OK
lms.netdevicemodels                                OK
lms.netdeviceproducers                             OK
lms.netdevices                                     OK
lms.netlinks                                       OK
lms.netnodes                                       OK
lms.netradiosectors                                OK
lms.networks                                       OK
lms.nodeassignments                                OK
lms.nodegroupassignments                           OK
lms.nodegroups                                     OK
lms.nodelocks                                      OK
lms.nodes                                          OK
lms.nodesessions                                   OK
lms.numberplanassignments                          OK
lms.numberplans                                    OK
lms.passwd                                         OK
lms.payments                                       OK
lms.pna                                            OK
lms.promotionassignments                           OK
lms.promotions                                     OK
lms.promotionschemas                               OK
lms.radreply                                       OK
lms.receiptcontents                                OK
lms.records                                        OK
lms.rtattachments                                  OK
lms.rtcategories                                   OK
lms.rtcategoryusers                                OK
lms.rtmessages                                     OK
lms.rtnotes                                        OK
lms.rtqueues                                       OK
lms.rtrights                                       OK
lms.rtticketcategories                             OK
lms.rttickets                                      OK
lms.sessions                                       OK
lms.sourcefiles                                    OK
lms.states                                         OK
lms.stats                                          OK
lms.supermasters                                   OK
lms.tariffs                                        OK
lms.taxes                                          OK
lms.templates                                      OK
lms.uiconfig                                       OK
lms.up_customers                                   OK
lms.up_help                                        OK
lms.up_info_changes                                OK
lms.up_rights                                      OK
lms.up_rights_assignments                          OK
lms.users                                          OK
lms.voipaccounts                                   OK
lms.zipcodes                                       OK

Z gory dziekuje za odpowiedzi i przepraszam za tak dlugie wklejki
